While there is no research that supports placenta ingestion, anecdotal evidence has shown benefits to the practice of placentophagy. Placenta encapsulation is one way in which you can ingest your placenta. The placenta is prepared by steaming it over warming herbs and foods that include citrus, ginger, star anise, clove, and peppercorns. The purpose of the citrus and warming spices both serves as anti-bacterial and to temper the hormones in the placenta. The placenta is then dried on a low-setting in a dehydrator for 12 hours. It is then ground and made into capsules for your consumption.
Ingesting the placenta post birth has been shown to regulate hormones, provide minerals lost in the birthing process, and help with lactation. As mentioned, these findings are anecdotal, but many birthing people find that placenta pills are beneficial for their well-being in the postpartum period.